Why I Wrote "The Ink Stains of the Apocalypse: John"

 Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my thoughts about why I decided to write my first book, "The Ink Stains of the Apocalypse: John." The concept was strongly inspired by World War Z. In the movie, Brad Pitt's character is a journalist who goes into big situations of conflict. I thought, what if a journalist had to survive in a world completely taken over by zombies? Unlike in World War Z, what if the zombies won?

I found the idea of a journal being the thing that passes through time very interesting. Even though we have technology now, books are what have lasted. I thought it would be intriguing to write a book as a journal of a survivor during the apocalypse. That’s where my inspiration for this book came from. I was writing it and showed it to a few people, including my mother, who has always been a great supporter of my books. She suggested I try to publish it.

When I published it, I was happy to be able to do it. It gave me inspiration to make a series out of it, even though that wasn’t my original plan. It was just a small story I wrote, as I often write very short stories. Now, I’m developing and practicing more, and that’s why I love my first book so much. It's not perfect, and that’s what I love about it. I don’t think everyone can make a perfect first book; it takes time. Some people might, but for me, my first book wasn’t the biggest or the best I’ll ever write. However, it’s the most important book I’ve written for myself, and I love it.

So, that’s something I wanted to share with you all. During the week, just as a little tease, I’ll explain more about John, who he is, and why I created this character. I hope you all come back and read it soon.

Thanks for listening!


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