Lone Survivor

So why do I call John the lone survivor? Because, at the beginning, when I was thinking about how long he has been in the apocalypse, the timeframe is around twenty-four to twenty-five years. He has lived through this whole grand catastrophe. For me, it felt like he has lived many lives within this world, a world covered with zombies. Over time, he realized that the zombies weren't the only danger; people were as well.

When I thought about John being a lone survivor, or a lone wolf, it didn't mean he never encountered people or participated in groups. However, he never stayed long because there was always a problem with the group. I was inspired by many zombie apocalypse stories where even big groups eventually get destroyed. For John, though, he has seen so much and has been in this world for so long that his experience is different. I wanted to give the concept of the lone survivor a different approach.

It's when he starts to warm up to people again that more problems arise. Sadly, that's how it is. So, being a lone survivor doesn't mean he's a grumpy dude; he's someone who has lived a long life of sadness and despair. Honestly, I put John through a lot.

However, there's a new character I'm creating who will probably face a lot of challenges in the next book. This upcoming book, as many of you know, will be about Marcus. It's going to be an interesting story, and I'll explain more in the next post. After that, we'll dive into Sarah's adventure.

Okay, see you all in another post.


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